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Brenda L Croft

Brenda L Croft Noel Collett and Shane Phillips, Eveleigh Street, Redfern 1992, duratran, 182.8 × 275 cm, gift of the artist 2000

'By placing myself behind the camera I am taking control of my self-image and images of ourselves. I cannot, do not, take sole responsibility but challenge and attempt to reverse the expected.’

Brenda L Croft is a Gurindji/Malngin/Mudpurra artist who works closely with her family, friends and Indigenous community members to create her images. Her works are often biographical and are drawn from her experience of growing up in the suburbs with a white mother and an Aboriginal father who was taken from his family at less than two years of age under the government policy that allowed the removal of Aboriginal children from their parents.

Croft’s works explore issues faced by many Aboriginal people today, including the ongoing effects of the ‘Stolen Generations’, preconceptions of who is actually of Aboriginal heritage and what an Aboriginal person is supposed to look like in contemporary Australian society. Her works serve to present a realistic portrayal of contemporary Aboriginal life – a positive image from an insider’s viewpoint.

6 Apr – 15 Oct 2013

Free admission

Yiribana Gallery