We acknowledge the Gadigal of the Eora Nation, the traditional custodians of the Country on which the Art Gallery of NSW stands.

Yukultji Napangati Untitled

acrylic on linen

151 x 121 cm

This painting depicts designs associated with Yunala, a rock hole and soakage water site situated among sandhills just to the west of the Kiwirrkura community in the Gibson Desert in Western Australia. During ancestral times, a group of women camped at the site, digging the edible roots of the bush banana or silky-pear vine, also known as yunala.

The lines in this painting represent both the sandhills surrounding the site as well as the yunala tubers underground, and the concentric circles surrounded by the ‘U’ shapes depict groups of women camped together.

Yukultji Napangati, 2020